“Your (personal) flexibility, creativity, openness and humility aligned well with our organizational values, and ended up being critical to the success of our working relationship. I particularly appreciated your cultural responsiveness, social justice orientation and trauma informed approach.
Our staff felt very comfortable working with you, in part because I think you felt most values and perspective-aligned. You also were aware of and responsive to power and other interpersonal and institutional dynamics that show up in our work and definitely were present in the curriculum development process. Finally, I appreciated what I perceived to be your grounding in wellness, serenity, and dignity. I think it was contagious, and a welcome touchstone in a process that at times was hectic, stressful and emotionally charged.
In short, I really appreciated your work, enjoyed the opportunity to get to know and work with you, and came away a stronger leader as a result of our engagement. And also very importantly, the ultimate product of your work (ie the curriculum) has been a huge step forward for us a program and organization.”